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Guest speakers and ARRN members
“The 6th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration” was successfully held in Seoul KOREA on 29th Sep. 2009 as a joint event of “5th KICT International workshop on River Environment”.
Date/Time: September 29th 2009 15:00 – 18:00
Venue: KOFST International Convention Center, Seoul KOREA
Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Korea River Association (KRA)
- Opening speech Dr. Samhee Lee (Vice President of KICT)
- Welcome speech Dr. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of ARRN)
- Welcome speech Dr. Kook Il Kim (President of KRA)
- Lecture 1 Dr. Naoki Shirakawa (Tsukuba University, JAPAN)
Flow Regime Restoration in Japan - Past, Present and Future
- Lecture 2 Dr. Dongya Sun (Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, CHINA)
Progress of River Restoration in China
- Lecture 3 Dr. Marco Baumann (Canton Thurgau, SWITZLAND)
River Engineering and Management
- Lecture 4 Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (Korea Institute of Construction Technology, KOREA)
Master Plan for Four River Restoration Project in Korea
>>Leaflet(PDF 275KB)
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Date: 2009.10.01 15:28
Date/Time: November 4th 2008 8:45 – 12:00
Venue: Tsinghau University Beijing, China
Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN), China River Restoration Network(CRRN)
Facilitator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chair person of ARRN)
Opening Address: Wang Xiaogang (IWHR)
Lecture 1: Dr. Chang Wan Kim(Research Fellow, River & Coast Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
「Correlation between Biotic Factors and Abiotic Factors - Focused on the Case Streams in Gyeonggi District, Korea」
Lecture 2: Prof. Yuji Toda(Nagoya University)
「Development of Eco-compatible River Basin Management toward Nature Restoration - Case of Ise Bay River Basin -」
Coffee Break
Lecture 3: Prof. Dong Zheren (China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research)
「Theories and practices of river restoration」
Lecture 4: Prof. Wang Zhaoyin (State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University)
「River training and restoration」
Lecture 5: Prof. Chang Jianbo (Institute of Hydroecology, Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese Academy of Sciences)
「Ecological Requirements in Operation of the Three Gorges Project」
Closing Address: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chair person of ARRN, Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo)
By JRRN-secre | Category: ARRN Event News | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.11.17 15:18
Opening Address by Prof. Tamai, IAHR/ARRN President
Presentation (Left: Prof. Peter Goodwin, Right: Prof. Joseph Lee)
On September 16th, Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) invited Prof. Peter Goodwin and Prof. Joseph Lee, Vice President of International Association for Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR), to give lectures on latest research activities in the field of Ecohydraulics and Environmental Hydraulics.
- Lecturers:
Prof. Peter Goodwin, Vice President of IAHR, University of Idaho
Prof. Joseph Lee, Vice President of IAHR, University of Hong Kong
-Date: 16th September 2008, 13:30-17:20
-Venue: Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration, IAHR Japan
After the opening remark by Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai, ARRN/IAHR President, Prof. Peter Goodwin gave a lecture entitled “New Trends in Hydro-Ecological Engineering Incorporated with Hydroinformatics”, then Prof. Joseph Lee presented his latest research activities entitled “Recent Research Problems Related to Ocean Outfalls in Hong Kong”. In the general discussion held after lectures, participants exchanged opinions with guest speakers, and both lectures encouraged engineers and researchers in the audience to promote further cooperation with ARRN and IAHR activities.
By JRRN-secre | Category: ARRN Event News | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.09.30 17:21
Guest Speakers
The 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
On November 30, 2007, the ARRN-sponsored 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was held with a number of people attended. In the 4th Forum which focused on urban development and waterfront restoration, key note lecture was presented with the topic of restoration of Sumida River, followed by presentations introducing river restoration examples in Korea, China, Thailand and UK. In the general discussion held later, various opinions were exchanged over the subject of Urban River Restoration for Sustainable Development.
■Date/Time: November 30th 2007 13:00 – 17:00
■Venue: Zenkoku Toshi Kaikan (2F), Tokyo, JAPAN
■Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)
13:00~13:05 Opening address
Dr. Koutarou Takemura, President, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
13:05~13:10 Guest address
Mr. Akimasa Nakajima, Chief, River Environment Division, River Bureau, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transportation, Japan
(Keynote address)
13:10~13:40 River Rehabilitation with a focus on the Sumida River
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(Case Study)
13:40~14:10 Case Study 1: River Restoration Projects in Korea
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
14:10~14:40 Case Study 2: The Eco-hydrological Studies on The “ Four Major Chinese Carps “ Spawning Habitat Restoration for Yangtze River
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
14:40~15:10 Case Study 3: National Policy on Water Resources Restoration in Thailand
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thailand】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
15:10~15:40 Case Study 4: Current activities of Europe’s information exchange networks and river policies
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
【Break 15:40~15:50】
(General Discussion)
15:50~17:00 General Discussion「Urban river restoration for sustainable development」
Coordinator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of the ARRN, Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration and Information Science, Kanazawa Gakuin University, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima【Japan】, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thai】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
17:00 Closing
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Date: 2007.11.30 13:51
Signing Ceremony
General Discussion
ARRN Establishment Ceremony / The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
On the 9th November 2006, ARRN Establishment Ceremony was held in Tokyo simultaneously with "The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration." These events gathered the officials concerned with river restoration project from 5 countries including Japan, China and Korea that are the ARRN member states, Malaysia as a neighbouring country, and Finland as a representative state from ECRR in Europe. At the Ceremony, it was confirmed and signed that the Japan, China and Korea would be the 3 initial member states of ARRN and conduct activities with a view to actively promoting information exchange in Asia. Following this, various international networking activities related to water and rivers were introduced.
■Date/Time: November 9th 2006, Thursday 10:30 – 16:00
■Venue: The Grand Arc Hanzomon FUJI HIGASHI(4F), Tokyo, JAPAN
■Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)
■Co-Organizer: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (RFC)
■ARRN Establishment Ceremony
(10:50~11:05 Opening)
Explanation of the purposes and development of the ARRN (ARRN Secretariat, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration)
(11:05~11:15 Signing ceremony)
Dr. Wen Gen Liao China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (China River Restoration Network)
Dr. Hyo Seop Woo Korea Institute of Construction Technology (Korea River Restoration Network)
Dr. Koutarou Takemura Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (Japan River Restoration Network)
(11:15~12:00 Introduction of international networks related to water)
(1)Current activities of Europe’s information exchange networks and river policies (Mr. Jukka Jormola, Finnish Environment Institute)
(2)International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (Dr. Atsushi Suzuki, Rural Development Bureau, The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan)
(3)Outline of the Global Flood Alert System (Dr. Kazuo Kera, 2nd Research Department, Infrastructure Development Institute)
(4)Outline of the activities of NARBO, Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (Mr. Hiroyuki Sindo, Network of Asian River Basin Organizations)
(5)Outline of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (Ms. Taeko Yokota, Japan Water Forum)
■The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
(13:00~16:00 General Discussion"River Restoration in the Asia Monsoon Region")
Coordinator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Kanazawa University; Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Panelists: Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, European Center for River Restoration (ECRR)
(1)River Restoration in China (Dr. Liao wen gen, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources)
(2)River Restoration in Korea (Dr. Chang-wan Kim, Water Resources Research Department Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
(3)River Restoration in Japan (Mr. Masanao Harada, River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, Dr. Keigo Nakamura, Public Works Research Institute)
(4)River Restoration in Malaysia (Mr. Cho Weng Keong, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Kelantan )
(16:00 Closing)
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Date: 2006.11.09 13:09