"ARRN Annual Report 2009" has been published. Major activities by ARRN and National Networks (KRRN, CRRN and JRRN) in 2009 are summarized in this report.
>>Annual Report 2009(PDF 1.7MB)
By JRRN-secre | category: Annual Report | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.03.30 13:24
Dear Sir or Madam,
We, Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), send you the "ARRN newsmail Issue 4".
The function of the secretariat of ARRN is currently carried out by the secretariat of JRRN, Japan River Restoration Network.
JRRN delivers the "JRRN News mail" written in Japanese twice a week to JRRN members (18 organization & 410 individual member as of Mar.10), which covers topics offered by ARRN/JRRN member and river restoration colleagues, and latest news on river restoration in Japan.
To introduce our activity of one of ARRN's national network, we send you the latest issue of "JRRN News mail, Issue 279 (March 8, 2010) " in English.
Sincerely yours,
Secretariat of ARRN/JRRN
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsmail | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.03.19 15:07
Dear Sir or Madam,
We, Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), send you "ARRN newsmail Issue 3".
The function of the secretariat of ARRN is currently carried out by the secretariat of JRRN, Japan River Restoration Network. JRRN delivers the "JRRN News mail" written in Japanese twice a week to JRRN members, which covers topics offered by ARRN/JRRN member and river restoration colleagues, and latest news on river restoration in Japan.
To introduce our activity of one of ARRN's natinal network, we send you the latest issue of "JRRN News mail, Issue 270 (February 5, 2010) ".
Sincerely yours,
Secretariat of ARRN/JRRN
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsmail | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.02.05 16:43
ARRN’s “7th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration” will be held in Korea as the special session of “8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010” in September 2010.
Session Topics
-Excellence in Engineering Practice in River and Waterfront Restoration (Technical Session for Two Hours)
-How to Develop Technology and Guidelines for River Restoration through Networks (a round-table meeting for two hours)
Prof. Nobuyuki TAMAI (ARRN Chairperson)
For detailed information, please visit to ISE2010 website.
By JRRN-secre | category: Announcement | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2010.02.04 11:42
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsletter | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.12.11 14:31
Dear Sir or Madam,
We, the Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), send you related information
on river restoration in Asia.
The function of the Secretariat of ARRN is currently carried out by the
Secretariat of JRRN, Japan River Restoration Network, and JRRN distributes
the "JRRN News mail" to JRRN members twice a week in Japanese.
(JRRN members: 389 indivisual and 13 organizations as of Oct. 2009)
Since we delivered the 250th issue today, we send an English version to
you as reference information.
We will try to deliver the similar newsmail to you once a month.
ARRN will also deliver the "ARRN Newsletter vol.4" soon. Please wait for a while.
Sincerely yours,
Secretariat of ARRN/JRRN
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsmail | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.11.20 10:38
On September 30 (Wed.), 2009, the “Fourth Governing Council Meeting” of the Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) was held in Seoul, Korea.
First, each secretariat made a report on the activities of ARRN, as well as JRRN, KRRN and CRRN, after the Third Governing Council Meeting up to the present date. After that, Mr. Tamai chaired the meeting to hold deliberations and exchange opinions.
Through deliberations and exchange of opinions, we discussed various issues, including details of the International Forum for next year, the action plan for 2010 based on the policy of upgrading river restoration guidelines, and ARRN’s organizational framework, such as the chairperson and secretariat for next year.
Dr. Baumann, who was a guest lecturer of the Sixth International Forum held on the previous day, participated in this meeting as an observer, and gave his valuable comments from the viewpoint of experiences in Europe.
Governing Council Member:
Nobuyuki TAMAI (ARRN Chairperson),
Junzo SAGO (ARRN/JRRN Secretary General), Chang Wan KIM (KRRN Secretary General), Dongya SUN (CRRN Secretary General),
Jeong Seok YANG (KRRN Information Committee), Dongsheng WANG (CRRN deputy Information Committee), Fang WANG (CRRN deputy Technical Committee), Kazumasa ITO (JRRN Information Committee), Naoki SHIRAKAWA (JRRN Technical Committee)
ARRN Secretariat:
Sayumi NUMATA, Akira WADA (JRRN)
Kookil KIM (KRA: Korea River Association), Hyo Seop WOO (KICT: Korea Institute of Construction Technology), Hong Koo YEO (KRRN secretariat, KICT), Jing ZHANG(IWHR: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research), Marco Baumann(Canton Thurgau, Switzerland)
→Agenda(PDF 37kb)
→Member List(PDF 41kb)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Board Meeting | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.10.09 13:16
Guest speakers and ARRN members
“The 6th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration” was successfully held in Seoul KOREA on 29th Sep. 2009 as a joint event of “5th KICT International workshop on River Environment”.
Date/Time: September 29th 2009 15:00 – 18:00
Venue: KOFST International Convention Center, Seoul KOREA
Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Korea River Association (KRA)
- Opening speech Dr. Samhee Lee (Vice President of KICT)
- Welcome speech Dr. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of ARRN)
- Welcome speech Dr. Kook Il Kim (President of KRA)
- Lecture 1 Dr. Naoki Shirakawa (Tsukuba University, JAPAN)
Flow Regime Restoration in Japan - Past, Present and Future
- Lecture 2 Dr. Dongya Sun (Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, CHINA)
Progress of River Restoration in China
- Lecture 3 Dr. Marco Baumann (Canton Thurgau, SWITZLAND)
River Engineering and Management
- Lecture 4 Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (Korea Institute of Construction Technology, KOREA)
Master Plan for Four River Restoration Project in Korea
>>Leaflet(PDF 275KB)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Event News | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.10.01 15:28
“The 6th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration” will be held in Seoul KOREA on 29th Sep. 2009 as a joint event of “5th KICT International workshop on River Environment”.
Date/Time: September 29th 2009, 15:00 – 18:00
Venue: KOFST International Convention Center, Seoul KOREA
Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Korea River Association (KRA), Korea River Restoration Network (KRRN), China River Restoration Network (CRRN), Japan River Restoration Network (JRRN)
- Program -
Opening speech
Dr. Yong-Joo Cho (President of KICT)
Congratulatory speech
Dr. J. H. Noh (Director General of Water Resources, MLTM, Korea)
Welcome speech
Dr. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of ARRN)
Welcome speech
Dr. Kook Il Kim (President of KRA)
Lecture 1 Dr. Naoki Shirakawa (Tsukuba University, JAPAN)
Flow Regime Restoration in Japan - Past, Present and Future
Lecture 2 Dr. Dongya Sun (Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, CHINA)
Progress of River Restoration in China
Coffee break
Lecture 3 Dr. Marco Baumann (Canton Thurgau, SWITZLAND)
River Engineering and Management
Lecture 4 Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (Korea Institute of Construction Technology, KOREA) Master Plan for Four River Restoration Project in Korea
Concluding discussion
>>Leaflet(PDF 275KB)
By JRRN-secre | category: Announcement | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.08.31 13:32
Presentation by JRRN secretariat
During the period of August 18 (Tue.) to 21 (Fri.), 2009, the “World City Water Forum 2009 (WCWF 2009)” was held at the Songdo Convensia in Inchon City, Korea. It brought together about 5,000 specialists involved in city water issues, who exchanged information on up-to-date technologies and experiences.
The JRRN Secretariat sent Ms. Numata (Planning division, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration) to the forum to give his presentation, entitled “Trends for Urban River Restoration in Asia and Efforts toward Establishing an International Network”, at a technical session of “Restoration of Urban Stream Amenity”. During the forum, there were other sessions related to river environment on the theme of aquatic ecological restoration, regional revitalization through riverboat transportation, etc., in addition to urban river restoration, which introduced diverse case examples in Korea as well as other countries.
→ Website of "Warld City Water Forum 2009"
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.08.25 10:52
On August 17 (Mon.), 2009, the Second ARRN Information Committee Meeting and the Second ARRN Technical Committee Meeting were held in Inchon City, Korea.
These committee meetings were held following the First ARRN Information and Technical Committee Meetings (September 2008/ Beijing City, China). In the Information Committee Meeting, discussions were held with regard to the ARRN mid-term action plan until the Sixth World Water Forum (March 2012), the organizational framework for network expansion, and future collaboration with the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR). In the Technical Committee Meeting, there were active exchanges of opinions mainly on how we should upgrade the “ARRN River Restoration Guidelines Ver. 1” issued in March 2009, after a presentation of the latest report on river environment in each country.
Based on the results of these discussions, the ARRN Secretariat will promote coordination with related organizations in Japan, China and Korea, and will determine the future activity policies of ARRN in the Fourth ARRN Governing council Meeting to be held in Seoul City, Korea at the end of September 2009.
Committee Members
Naoki SHIRAKAWA (Tsukuba Univ.), Kazumasa ITO (RFC, CTI), Hongkoo YEO (KICT as proxy for KRRN), Hongkyu AHN (KICT as proxy for KRRN)
Changwan KIM (KICT, Secretary General of KRRN), Kookil KIM (President of Korea River Association)
ARRN Secretariat
Sayumi NUMATA, Katsuhiro GOTO, Akira WADA
→Agenda & Member list of Information Committee
→Agenda & Member list of Technical Committee
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Board Meeting | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.08.20 10:45
On July 8 (Wed.), 2009, a group of practical engineers from the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government of Taiwan (Chinese Taipei), came to Japan to participate in a training program which gives information on efforts for river environment improvement in Japan, which was conducted by the JRRN Secretariat and the Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration.
In Taiwan, projects for river environment restoration have recently been carried out throughout the country, including the recent release of a website covering information on river restoration by a public agency. Therefore, we think that the above training program was a good opportunity to learn about the latest Japanese measures, etc., in the field of river environment, including nature-oriented river management and nature restoration projects.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.07.18 10:35
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsletter | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.07.17 17:35
From June 10 (Wed.) to 12 (Fri.), 2009, an technical mission of the Korea River Association (53 members) came to Japan in order to observe river improvement work, flood control projects, and the river environment in Hokkaido, mainly in Sapporo City. The Korea River Association also serves as the secretariat of KRRN, which is a contact organization of ARRN in Korea. The JRRN Secretariat offered cooperation to the association, including schedule coordination with each river management agency regarding visitation sites and preparation of explanatory materials, and also accompanied the group on observation tours to the Moizari River in Eniwa, the Ishikari River, the Toyohira River and the Chitose River.
The site visit to see advanced flood control projects, flood-control measures in urban rivers, and recreational water facility plans in Japan provided an opportunity to publicize the technology used and measures taken in Japan, and to exchange opinions on river restoration between Japan and Korea. We hope that it will add momentum to promote further exchanges between Japan and Korea in the field of river environment restoration.
→Website of Korea River Association
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.06.25 10:30
Dear Sir or Madam,
We, the Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), inform you our publication of the "Reference Guideline for Restoration by Eco-Compatible Approach in River Basin ver.1".
If you would like to receive the PDF version of this guideline, please contact to the ARRN Secretariat (secre@a-rr.net).
>> http://www.a-rr.net/jp/en/arrn/letter/publication/
In addition, the function of the Secretariat of ARRN is currently carried out by the Secretariat of JRRN, Japan River Restoration Network, and JRRN distributes the "JRRN News mail" to JRRN members in Japanese twice a week.
Since we successfully deliver the 200th issue last month, we send an English version to you as reference information.
Sincerely yours,
Secretariat of ARRN/JRRN
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsmail | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.06.17 10:34
ARRN published the “Reference Guideline for Restoration by Eco-Compatible Approach in River Basin ver.1” in March 2009.
This guideline was written as an introductory handbook to the Technical Guideline for River Restoration in Asia which ARRN is going to establish, so that non-specialists could also understand the significance of river restoration and its approaches. We will continue to enhance the contents of the guideline mainly with the support of ARRN Technical Committee members.
If you would like to receive the PDF version of this guideline, please contact the ARRN Secretariat.
>> Contents (PDF 238KB)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Publication | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.05.29 17:06
At Sumida River
On Wednesday, May 20, 2009, the JRRN Secretariat was responsible for lectures (e.g. the improvement of river environments in Japan, case examples of restored river environments, etc.) and guiding an site visit (the Sumida River) for people from the Pakistan government and local municipalities, who visited Japan for the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Training Program.
This group of trainees visited Japan to learn Flood Risk Management Practices. As they themselves have many issues in river environments such as waste dumping at rivers, we provided topics concerning river environments as essential considerations for river management and social enlightenment.
There were questions and answers, and active opinion exchanges, both in indoor lectures in the morning and the technical site visit in the afternoon. This provided an opportunity for a meaningful interchange to both trainees and JRRN staff.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.05.27 21:00
On Monday, March 16, 2009, we exchanged information and opinions about future collaboration with ECRR and the activities of ARRN with Mr. Bart Fokkens, President of ECRR, which is a model organization of ARRN.
This conference was held at the site of the Fifth World Water Forum (Turkey), when the ECRR President and ARRN/JRRN Secretariat Director participated in the forum. The discussion was constructive. We decided to start with possible efforts in cooperation between Europe and Asia, including both parties’ participation in workshops and contribution to database construction.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.03.27 20:58
From March 16 to March 22, the Fifth World Water Forum was held in Istanbul, Turkey under the theme of “Bridging Divides for Water.” More than 30,000 people from over 150 countries concerned about water gathered together. They discussed various solutions for water problems at more than 100 sessions.
Partly in view of the fact that ARRN was established based on the recommendation of a special session co-hosted by Japan, China, and Korea in the last Fourth World Water Forum (March 2006, Mexico), two members of the ARRN Secretariat took part in the forum to do PR for ARRN for other participants, give opinions, and promote the “Reference Guideline for River Restoration” published by ARRN.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.03.27 20:56
"ARRN Annual Report 2008" has been published. Major activities by ARRN and National Networks (CRRN, KRRN and JRRN) in 2008 are introduced in this report.
>>Annual Report 2008(PDF 1.6MB)
By JRRN-secre | category: Annual Report | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.02.27 21:50
At Sumida River
On Friday, February 20, 2009, an inspection team of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, visited Japan to inspect the Sumida River and the Old-Nakagawa River as successful case examples of urban waterfront restoration in Japan. In addition, they paid a courtesy visit to the River Division, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government which manages the Sumida River, and exchanged opinions actively with the Japanese side.
The site visit to the Sumida River came about in the following way. Last July, JRRN received an inquiry about case good practices of urban river restoration in Japan from Hong Kong government staff. While introducing various case examples of river restoration, we selected the Sumida River as the most appropriate for the purpose of their inspection.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2009.02.27 20:53
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsletter | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.12.25 15:11
On Nov. 4, 2008 (Tue), the 3rd ARRN Governing Council Meeting was held at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), the CRRN secretariat in Beijing.
At the beginning of the meeting, the current chairperson, Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (a professor of Kanazawa Gakuin University, a professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, president of IAHR) was reappointed as the incoming chairperson at the expiration of the his term of office (two years) under the agreement of Japan, China, and Korea. The activities of this year were then reported and discussed and opinions were exchanged in terms of ARRN charter, policy for activities next year, the place to hold the international forum next year, and how to establish the river restoration guideline.
As a result of this meeting, it was decided to hold the 2009 ARRN international forum in Korea in summer 2009 and distribute an interim report of the reference guideline developed by ARRN at the 5th World Water Forum (to be held in March 2009 in Turkey.)
Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (ARRN Chair, )
(CRRN: China River Restoration Network)
Dr. Dongya Sun(IWHR), Dr. Wengen Liao (IWHR), Dr. Kewang Tang(IWHR)
(KRRN: Korea River Restoration Network)
Dr. Chang Wan Kim (KICT), Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (KICT)
(JRRN: Japan River Restoration Network)
Dr. Junzo Sago (RFC), Dr. Kazumasa Ito (RFC)
(ARRN Secretariat)
Mr. Masafumi ITO, Mr. Akira WADA, Mr. Michiya TANNAI
Dr. Xiaogang Wang (IWHR), Dr. Zheren Dong(IWHR), Dr. Peng Jing (IWHR)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Board Meeting | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.11.29 17:21
JRRN secretariat was asked by JRRN members to assist the Taiwanese government staff with the inspections of case studies of improved water environments (water treatment and water reuse) in Japan. The JRRN Secretariat supported preparatory coordination with inspection sites and two-day site visits.
They visited the Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, Kogasaki Purification Facilities (for the rock bed-contact purification of the Sakagawa River), and Tokyo Metropolitan Ochiai Water Reclamation Center. The inspections were meaningful thanks to briefing by facility staff and an exchange of opinions.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.11.27 20:45
Date/Time: November 4th 2008 8:45 – 12:00
Venue: Tsinghau University Beijing, China
Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN), China River Restoration Network(CRRN)
Facilitator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chair person of ARRN)
Opening Address: Wang Xiaogang (IWHR)
Lecture 1: Dr. Chang Wan Kim(Research Fellow, River & Coast Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
「Correlation between Biotic Factors and Abiotic Factors - Focused on the Case Streams in Gyeonggi District, Korea」
Lecture 2: Prof. Yuji Toda(Nagoya University)
「Development of Eco-compatible River Basin Management toward Nature Restoration - Case of Ise Bay River Basin -」
Coffee Break
Lecture 3: Prof. Dong Zheren (China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research)
「Theories and practices of river restoration」
Lecture 4: Prof. Wang Zhaoyin (State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University)
「River training and restoration」
Lecture 5: Prof. Chang Jianbo (Institute of Hydroecology, Ministry of Water Resources and Chinese Academy of Sciences)
「Ecological Requirements in Operation of the Three Gorges Project」
Closing Address: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chair person of ARRN, Professor Emeritus of The University of Tokyo)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Event News | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.11.17 15:18
“The 5th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration” will be held in Beijing CHINA on 4th Nov. 2008 as a special session of 4th APHW Conference.
Date/Time: November 4th 2008 8:45 – 12:00
Venue: Tsinghau University Beijing, China
Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)/China River Restoration Network(CRRN)
>>Leaflet(tentative) (PDF:182KB)
By JRRN-secre | category: Announcement | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.10.20 13:51
Opening Address by Prof. Tamai, IAHR/ARRN President
Presentation (Left: Prof. Peter Goodwin, Right: Prof. Joseph Lee)
On September 16th, Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN) invited Prof. Peter Goodwin and Prof. Joseph Lee, Vice President of International Association for Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR), to give lectures on latest research activities in the field of Ecohydraulics and Environmental Hydraulics.
- Lecturers:
Prof. Peter Goodwin, Vice President of IAHR, University of Idaho
Prof. Joseph Lee, Vice President of IAHR, University of Hong Kong
-Date: 16th September 2008, 13:30-17:20
-Venue: Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
Asian River Restoration Network (ARRN), Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration, IAHR Japan
After the opening remark by Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai, ARRN/IAHR President, Prof. Peter Goodwin gave a lecture entitled “New Trends in Hydro-Ecological Engineering Incorporated with Hydroinformatics”, then Prof. Joseph Lee presented his latest research activities entitled “Recent Research Problems Related to Ocean Outfalls in Hong Kong”. In the general discussion held after lectures, participants exchanged opinions with guest speakers, and both lectures encouraged engineers and researchers in the audience to promote further cooperation with ARRN and IAHR activities.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Event News | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.09.30 17:21
The 1st ARRN Technical Committee was held also at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources in Beijing, China, on September 24, 2008, PM.
The issues discussed in this committee include; technical information in the field of river environment that should be shared among ARRN; and the framework of the guideline for river restoration in Asia that is to be established as an achievement of the objective of ARRN. Based on the results of this discussion, ARRN Secretariat will start working on formulation of the guideline while further reflecting the results of future discussions among China, Japan, and Korea.
Dr. Yangwen Jia (Department of Water Resources, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Ministry of Water Resources)
Dr. Kyu Chang Oh (Director, Dongbu Engineering Co., Ltd, Korea)
Mr. Kazumasa Itoh (By proxy: Senior Counselor, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration)
(ARRN Secretariat)
Masafumi Itoh, Akira Wada (Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (RFC))
Dr. Dong Zheren (GWP Chinese Representative, IWHR Senior Advisor), Dr. Jing Peng (Director, IWHR Division of International Cooperation), Dr. Dongya Sun (IWHR Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction), Ms Iris Zhou (IWHR Division of International Cooperation), Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT))
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Board Meeting | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.09.29 17:39
The 1st ARRN Information Committee was held at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources in Beijing, China, on September 24, 2008, AM.
The issues discussed in this committee include; policies for future actions of ARRN; means to exchange information on river restoration among ARRN members; and how to facilitate each country’s network (RRN). The results were incorporated into the agenda of the 3rd ARRN Governing Council meeting held in November 2008 in which the action policy of ARRN was discussed.
Dr. Wengen Liao (Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Ministry of Water Resources)
Dr. Hong Koo Yeo (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT))
Mr. Kazumasa Itoh (Senior Counselor, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (RFC))
(ARRN Secretariat)
Akira Wada, Masafumi Itoh (Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (RFC))
Ms. Zhimin Meng (Secretary-General of China River Restoration Network (CRRN), Senior Advisor on International Affairs, IIWHR), Ministry of Water Resources, Former Manager of International Division, Ministry of Water Resources) Dr. Jing Peng (Director, IWHR Division of International Cooperation), Dr. Dongya Sun (IWHR Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction), Ms. Iris Zhou (IWHR Division of International Cooperation), Dr. Kyu Chang Oh (Director, Dongbu Engineering Co., Ltd, Korea)
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN Board Meeting | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.09.29 17:35
By JRRN-secre | category: Newsletter | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.07.22 10:30
14 members including the representative of Citizen’s Group to Create Healthy Dorimcheon visited Japan and exchanged opinions with ARRN Secretariat. Based around Dorimcheon in Seoul, Korea, the Citizen’s Group to Create Healthy Dorimcheon was established in 1999 and has expanded its members as much as 300. The objectives of its activities are to protect the environment of Dorimcheon basin and Gwanak-gu area with support of local citizens, and to pursue sustainable society and co-existence of nature and mankind for the betterment of people’s lives. At the opinion-exchange meeting, ARRN Secretariat introduced historical development of Japanese river environment administration, current projects for river restoration, and proactive efforts made by citizens including children towards restoring rivers. The Dorimcheon NPO in turn introduced activities carried out by children and then both parties vigorously exchanged opinions.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.07.16 18:04
On June 26, 2008, ARRN Secretariat had a meeting with Dr. Ulrica Åberg, the researcher of the School of Environment, University of Leeds, UK. As a part of his research to compare river restoration projects between Japan and Europe, Dr. Ulrica Åberg conducted field studies to collect examples and information during his short stay in Japan. ARRN Secretariat provided information regarding historical development of Japanese river environment administration, representative measures and examples, procedures for river restoration projects, and evaluation of the projects implemented in the past. Dr. Ulrica in turn explained current situations regarding river restoration in UK.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.06.30 18:02
From 4 - 8 June, 2008, 41 members of delegation from the Korea River Association visited Japan to see rivers and watersheds in Ishikawa Prefecture and surrounding Hokuriku region. ARRN Secretariat coordinated with concerned organizations on the Japanese side (such as Kaga City Government, Civil Engineering Division of Ishikawa Prefecture Government, Komatsu/Kaga Water Village Restoration Committee, Hokuriku Ecology and Civil Engineering Society, etc.), and Prof. Tamai, the chairperson of ARRN, joined the tour to the Sai River that flows through Kanazawa City. The tour to restoration sites on rivers and water villages in Hokuriku region was a success in consolidating Korea-Japan relations in the field of river environment restoration.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.06.27 18:00
On May 28, 2008, delegates from the Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration visited Japan. ARRN Secretariat and delegates exchanged opinions on Japanese political measures, researches, and projects related to river restoration.
The Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration was established by the Korean Ministry of Environment in November 2007. The Center plans to carry out 16 projects related to water environment restoration by 2014, each implemented by a joint-venture team consisting of a university and a private company selected from an open competition. It is expected that there will be further information exchange between the Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration and ARRN in the field of river restoration.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.05.29 17:58
ARRN PR material "Introduction of Asian River Restoration Network" has been uploaded. Background, objective, organization, major activities, membership benefits and future plan are introduced in this presentation material as an overview of ARRN.
>>ARRN Overview (PDF:1.4MB)
By JRRN-secre | category: Announcement | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.05.08 13:13
On February 22, 2008, General Assembly of the 3rd NARBO (Network of Asian River Basin Organization) was held in Surakarta, Indonesia, in which JRRN became a member of NARBO. Activities of ARRN were introduced in the Workshop held concurrently with the General Assembly.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.02.26 17:57
On January 9, 2008, ARRN/JRRN Secretariat and the Secretariat of PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia) had a meeting to exchange opinions. PEMSEA is an international organization that carries out projects financed by the world largest environmental fund GEF under the control of the United Nations Development Plan (UNDP). PEMSEA provides technical assistance and expertise for projects conducted in East Asia. Future cooperation between ARRN and PEMSEA is expected as coastal management cannot be separated from inland watershed management.
By JRRN-secre | category: ARRN PR Activity | Comment(0) | Trackback(0) |
Date: 2008.01.11 17:54
On January 9, 2008, ARRN/JRRN Secretariat and the Secretariat of NARBO (Network of Asian River Basin Organization) had a meeting to exchange opinions. NARBO is an international network established in 2004 with the objective of promoting integrated water resources management (IWRM). ARRN expects cooperation with NRBO will further be enhanced in the field of water environment restoration.
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Date: 2008.01.11 17:52
On December 17, 2007, experts from Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT) and Korean Federation of Water Groups visited Japan and made discussions with ARRN Secretariat on use of signing on rivers and means to inform the public. The Secretariat also introduced ARRN activities.
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Date: 2007.12.19 17:49
The 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit was held on December 3-4, 2007 in Beppu, Oita.
Symposium on River Environment and Water Resources was held on December 2, attended by Mr. Sukhyun Kim, Director of River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation, Korea, as a panelist. Mr. Sukhyun was also acted as the lecturer for the ARRN 4th International Forum. On December 4, the session “Water for Development and Ecosystems: Experiences in Japan and their Applicability to the Asia-Pacific Region” was held, and the ARRN Secretariat personnel attended as a co-sponsor. Then, Dr. Kim Chang-Wan from Korea Institute of Construction Technology who also acts as the KRRN Secretariat gave a lecture, in which examples of river restoration in Korea was presented and activities of ARRN were introduced.
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Date: 2007.12.18 17:31
On November 29, 2007, delegates from Dongducheon City, Korea arrived to visit river restoration sites in Japan. In the discussion on river restoration, ARRN/JRRN Secretariat introduced actions taken to improve river environment in Japan and described outline of ARRN activities, and the delegates explained needs of river restoration at the municipal level in Korea.
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Date: 2007.12.17 17:46
"ARRN Annual Report 2007" has been published. Major activities of ARRN in 2007 are introduced in this report with photographs as well as ARRN outline.
>>Annual Report 2007(PDF 4.17MB)
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Date: 2007.12.08 15:25
The 2nd ARRN Governing Council meeting was held on December 1, 2007 in Tokyo. Members were first briefed on the Annual Report 2007 that documented activities for 1 year since the establishment of ARRN. In the discussion conducted in the latter half of the meeting, members reviewed and exchanged opinions on issues including the organizational structure, future activities for the coming year, and the secretariat for the next term.
Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Japan, Chair), Dr. Xiaogang Wang (China), Dr. Wengen Liao (China), Dr. Kookil Kim (Korea), Mr. Sukhyun Kim (Korea), Dr. Changwan Kim (Korea), Dr. Takashi Sunakawa (Japan), Dr. Junzo Sago (Japan), Dr. Kazumasa Ito (Japan), Mr. Martin Janes (UK, Observer), Mr. Surapol Pattanee (Thailand, Observer) and ARRN Secretariat
>>Agenda (PDF 100KB)
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Date: 2007.12.01 14:07
Guest Speakers
The 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
On November 30, 2007, the ARRN-sponsored 4th International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration was held with a number of people attended. In the 4th Forum which focused on urban development and waterfront restoration, key note lecture was presented with the topic of restoration of Sumida River, followed by presentations introducing river restoration examples in Korea, China, Thailand and UK. In the general discussion held later, various opinions were exchanged over the subject of Urban River Restoration for Sustainable Development.
■Date/Time: November 30th 2007 13:00 – 17:00
■Venue: Zenkoku Toshi Kaikan (2F), Tokyo, JAPAN
■Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)
13:00~13:05 Opening address
Dr. Koutarou Takemura, President, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration
13:05~13:10 Guest address
Mr. Akimasa Nakajima, Chief, River Environment Division, River Bureau, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transportation, Japan
(Keynote address)
13:10~13:40 River Rehabilitation with a focus on the Sumida River
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
(Case Study)
13:40~14:10 Case Study 1: River Restoration Projects in Korea
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
14:10~14:40 Case Study 2: The Eco-hydrological Studies on The “ Four Major Chinese Carps “ Spawning Habitat Restoration for Yangtze River
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
14:40~15:10 Case Study 3: National Policy on Water Resources Restoration in Thailand
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thailand】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
15:10~15:40 Case Study 4: Current activities of Europe’s information exchange networks and river policies
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
【Break 15:40~15:50】
(General Discussion)
15:50~17:00 General Discussion「Urban river restoration for sustainable development」
Coordinator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Chairperson of the ARRN, Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration and Information Science, Kanazawa Gakuin University, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Mr. Sukhyun Kim【Korea】, Director, River Planning Division, Ministry of Construction & Transportation
Dr. Wen Gen Liao【China】, Deputy Director, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
Mr. Shuuichi Nagashima【Japan】, Chief, Planning Division, River Department, Bureau of Construction, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Mr. Surapol Pattanee【Thai】, Director, Bureau of Water Resources Policy and Planning, Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mr. Martin Janes【UK】, Manager, River Restoration Centre
17:00 Closing
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Date: 2007.11.30 13:51
Introduction of ARRN Activities
From the 22nd to the 27th October 2007, the 3rd Southeast Asia Water Forum was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In a regional workshop on the monitoring of river environment at this forum, we introduced ARRN activities. Throughout the forum, we reaffirmed the necessity of information sharing in Asia (on best practice, case of failure, technique, science, human resource etc.), while the participants expressed their expectations for ARRN.
>> About 3rd Southeast Asia Water Forum
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Date: 2007.10.23 14:48
Meeting between ARRN and IWHR
On the 27th August 2007, we held a coordination meeting on the ARRN operation between the RFC (Foundation for Riverfront Improvement), which is the current ARRN secretariat, and the "China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research", the ARRN contact point in China. A large number of representatives from the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research concerned with water environment research participated in the meeting, and we exchanged opinions on the expected networking in the future.
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Date: 2007.08.27 15:02
Wuhan Municipal Water Authority
Beijing Institute of Water
Shanghai Suzhou Creek Rehabilitation Project Head Office
With an aim to learn the recent trend in river restoration projects in China as well as to conduct ARRN'S PR activities, we visited "Beijing Institute of Water" responsible for river restoration projects in Beijing, "Wuhan Municipal Water Authority" in Wuhan, which also developed along the Yangtze River, and " Shanghai Suzhou Creek Rehabilitation Project Head Office" responsible for river restoration projects for the Suzhou River in Shanghai. At each of these organizations, we successfully gained their understanding for ARRN activities.
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Date: 2007.08.27 14:41
On the 23rd August 2007, ARRN held a coordination meeting on the ARRN operation between the RFC (Foundation for Riverfront Improvement), which is the current ARRN secretariat, and the KICT (Korean Institute of Construction Technology), the contact point of ARRN in Korea. We discussed about the forthcoming ARRN International Forum as well as the ARRN Governing Council Meeting among Japan, China and Korea, while exchanging Information on organizations and groups concerned with the enlargement of river restoration network in Korea.
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Date: 2007.08.23 14:58
Introduction of ARRN Activities
In late July 2007, ARRN presented a speech on its efforts on the international network concerning river restoration in a technical session called "Ecology, Environment and Engineering" at the "4th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region" held in Taipei, Taiwan.
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Date: 2007.06.27 14:38
On the 26th June 2007, the "Mini-forum on International Experience Sharing on the Applications of River Restoration Techniques" (hosted by the Disaster Prevention Research Centre, Feng Chia University) was held at Feng Chia University in Taichung, Taiwan, where engineers from Taiwan, Korea (Dr. Woo, KICT) and Japan reported the recent status of river restoration in their countries. On this occasion, ARRN secretariat presented a speech titled "Establishing an International Network on River Restoration" and conducted PR activities.
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Date: 2007.06.26 14:33
On the 17th May 2007, the "Korea Water Resources Association 2007 Annual Conference" was held in Pyeongchang, Korea. At this conference, which attracted many researchers specialised in the field of water resources not only from Korea but also Japan, China and New Zealand, ARRN secretariat introduced ARRN as an international network concerning river restoration.
We also had an inspection of river restoration sites in and near Seoul and observed civil activities in the areas of the Cheongyechen running through the centre of Seoul as well as the Yangajecheon, where the first river restoration project in Korea was implemented.
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Date: 2007.05.17 14:22
Signing Ceremony
General Discussion
ARRN Establishment Ceremony / The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
On the 9th November 2006, ARRN Establishment Ceremony was held in Tokyo simultaneously with "The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration." These events gathered the officials concerned with river restoration project from 5 countries including Japan, China and Korea that are the ARRN member states, Malaysia as a neighbouring country, and Finland as a representative state from ECRR in Europe. At the Ceremony, it was confirmed and signed that the Japan, China and Korea would be the 3 initial member states of ARRN and conduct activities with a view to actively promoting information exchange in Asia. Following this, various international networking activities related to water and rivers were introduced.
■Date/Time: November 9th 2006, Thursday 10:30 – 16:00
■Venue: The Grand Arc Hanzomon FUJI HIGASHI(4F), Tokyo, JAPAN
■Organizer: Asian River Restoration Network(ARRN)
■Co-Organizer: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT), Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (RFC)
■ARRN Establishment Ceremony
(10:50~11:05 Opening)
Explanation of the purposes and development of the ARRN (ARRN Secretariat, Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration)
(11:05~11:15 Signing ceremony)
Dr. Wen Gen Liao China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (China River Restoration Network)
Dr. Hyo Seop Woo Korea Institute of Construction Technology (Korea River Restoration Network)
Dr. Koutarou Takemura Foundation for Riverfront Improvement and Restoration (Japan River Restoration Network)
(11:15~12:00 Introduction of international networks related to water)
(1)Current activities of Europe’s information exchange networks and river policies (Mr. Jukka Jormola, Finnish Environment Institute)
(2)International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (Dr. Atsushi Suzuki, Rural Development Bureau, The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan)
(3)Outline of the Global Flood Alert System (Dr. Kazuo Kera, 2nd Research Department, Infrastructure Development Institute)
(4)Outline of the activities of NARBO, Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (Mr. Hiroyuki Sindo, Network of Asian River Basin Organizations)
(5)Outline of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (Ms. Taeko Yokota, Japan Water Forum)
■The 3rd International Forum on Waterfront and Watershed Restoration
(13:00~16:00 General Discussion"River Restoration in the Asia Monsoon Region")
Coordinator: Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai (Kanazawa University; Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
Panelists: Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, European Center for River Restoration (ECRR)
(1)River Restoration in China (Dr. Liao wen gen, Department of Water Environment, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources)
(2)River Restoration in Korea (Dr. Chang-wan Kim, Water Resources Research Department Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
(3)River Restoration in Japan (Mr. Masanao Harada, River Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation, Dr. Keigo Nakamura, Public Works Research Institute)
(4)River Restoration in Malaysia (Mr. Cho Weng Keong, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Kelantan )
(16:00 Closing)
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Date: 2006.11.09 13:09
1st ARRN Governing Council Meeting
On the 8th November 2006, the 1st ARRN Governing Council Meeting was held in Tokyo. At the meeting, approval of ARRN charter, selection of the chairperson as well as a discussion on its logo and website operation were made, where valuable and substantial input on the future activities of ARRN was received from the participants.
Dr. Nobuyuki TAMAI(Japan), Dr. Wen Gen LIAO(China), Dr. Hyo Seop WOO(Korea), Dr. Chang-Wan KIM(Korea), Mr. Jukka JORMOLA(Finland), Mr. Ir. Weng Keong CHO(Malaysia), Dr. Keigo NAKAMURA(Japan) and ARRN secretariat
>>Agenda (PDF 31KB)
>>Minutes (PDF 37KB)
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Date: 2006.11.08 11:34